Dwelling coverage is a crucial part of every standard homeowners insurance policy. Dwelling coverage can help you in the event the physical structure of your home incurs serious damage. However, it’s important to understand what types of damage are covered.
Here is a basic guide to the types of damage covered by your dwelling insurance:
You can use dwelling coverage to pay for damage sustained from natural hazards, also called perils. You may be eligible for financial compensation if the main structure of your home is damaged by any of the following:
Other than natural or weather related hazards, there are more types of damage covered under dwelling insurance. These hazards include:
If any of these perils cause damage to the structure of your home, your dwelling coverage is there to help you.
Not all natural hazards are covered by dwelling insurance. For example, windstorms do not include tornadoes. If you live in a region prone to tornadoes, you will need to purchase a tornado-specific insurance policy.
Other major natural perils like earthquakes, mudslides and floods typically require their own specific policy. Other non-natural hazards might be covered by auto insurance or personal liability insurance.
Hopefully, you’ll never need to make a claim to your homeowners insurance for one of these issues. However, the more you know about what hazards are included in your dwelling coverage can give you greater peace of mind as a homeowner.
If you are familiar with the Staten Island real estate market, chances are you’ve heard of Marguerite Holton. She has been a real estate agent for 37 years, and since then she has built an empire while becoming a community pillar. Marge has made many valuable partners, contacts, and lasting friendships along the way. She prides herself on building and mentoring a team with unique skill sets and pivotal roles in the business. Her expertise spans many facets of real estate including residential and commercial, with an unparalleled experience in helping buyers and builders with new home construction. If you have any doubts just give her a call and see how she goes above and beyond the expectation of a client/ broker relationship, she does not disappoint!